Joy of Music Festival 2015, Chopin, Piano, Guitar, Hong Kong, Classic Music Joy of Music Festival 2015, Chopin, Piano, Guitar, Hong Kong, Classic Music Joy of Music Festival 2015, Chopin, Piano, Guitar, Hong Kong, Classic Music
Joy of Music Festival 2015, Chopin, Piano, Guitar, Hong Kong, Classic Music Joy of Music Festival 2015, Chopin, Piano, Guitar, Hong Kong, Classic Music
Chopin, Joy of Music Festival, Music Festical, Piano, Guitar, Music Competition
Chopin, Joy of Music Festival, Music Festical, Piano, Guitar, Music Competition

The LOGOS Chamber Group

Joel Hunter (viola)

Jof of Music Festival 2018 ArtistsBorn in the UK and a proud Yorkshireman, Joel first picked up a viola aged 7 and eventually found his way to the Royal Academy of Music in London 11 years later. Since graduating, Joel has been performing all over the world with many leading orchestras and ensembles.

He was appointed co-principal viola with the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra in Glasgow, moving on some years later to Stockholm and the Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra, where as principal viola he worked until 2014. He is currently the principal violist of the Mahler Chamber Orchestra.

He has appeared as a guest principal violist in most of the UK orchestras, including the Philharmonia, Royal Philharmonic, London Philharmonic, City of Birmingham Symphony, The BBC National Orchestra of Wales, Philharmonic and Concert Orchestras, Royal Scottish National Orchestra, Scottish Chamber Orchestra and the London Chamber Orchestra. Internationally he has worked with the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Bamberg Symphony, Oslo Philharmonic, Munich Philharmonic, Australian Chamber Orchestra and the Amsterdam Sinfonietta. He is also a member of the Lucerne Festival Orchestra and the internationally acclaimed John Wilson Orchestra performing exclusively works from the golden age of Hollywood and Great American Songbook.

As a chamber musician Joel has performed with many eminent artists, including Yo-Yo Ma, Augustin Dumay, Piers Lane, Christian Tetzlaff, Alisa Weilerstein, Pascal Roge and Leif Ove Andsnes in concerts throughout the world. He has performed at international festivals such as the Mecklenburg Vorpommern Festival with the Kungsbacker String Trio and in the U.S.A at the Charlottesville International Chamber Music Festival and has appeared throughout the UK with many established ensembles. He is a founding member of the Logos Chamber Group playing annually at the Joy of Music Festival and International Piano Competition in Hong Kong.

Passionate about teaching, Joel has coached and taught at many institutions in Europe and especially enjoys working with youth orchestras. In 2001 he was made an ‘Associate’ of the Royal Academy of Music in London (ARAM) for his services to the profession.

喬爾 • 亨特 ( 中提琴)

出生於英國的喬爾,是一位自豪的約克郡人,七歲開始接觸中提琴,十一年後更到了倫敦皇家音樂學院學習。 自畢業以來,他一直在世界各地參與許多主要的管弦樂團和合奏團的演出。

自 1997 年被「BBC 蘇格蘭交響樂團」聘為聯合首席中提琴,開展其煇煌音樂之旅。之後在音樂總監丹尼爾•哈丁主理「斯德哥爾摩瑞典廣播交響樂團」期間,獲聘為首席中提琴至2014年。他目前是馬勒室樂團的小提琴首席。

獲英國及其他地區各大樂團聘為首席中提琴:如英國愛樂樂團 ﹑英國皇家愛樂樂團 ﹑倫敦愛樂 ﹑伯明翰城市交響樂團 ﹑威爾士BBC 國家交響樂團 ﹑皇家蘇格蘭國家交響樂團 ﹑巴伐利亞州廣播交響樂團 ﹑奧斯陸愛樂樂團 ﹑慕尼黑愛樂樂團 ﹑阿姆斯特丹小交樂團和澳洲室樂團。2012 年始,加入馳名國際的「約翰威爾遜交響樂團」,專門負責演奏「好萊塢黃金時代」和「美國經典老歌」系列樂曲。 作為一名室樂家,亨特 於世界各地音樂會合作過的傑出音樂家包括有馬友友 ﹑奧古斯丁•杜梅 ﹑皮爾斯藍 ﹑特茲拉夫 ﹑愛麗莎•懷勒斯坦和利夫.奧偉.安茲涅斯 。他亦是國際各大音樂節的寵兒,如「德國梅克倫堡前波莫瑞州音樂節」中與瑞典 Kungsbacker 的弦樂三重奏 ﹑「美國夏洛茨維爾國際室內音樂節」。英國「360 度合奏團」定期表演音樂家。香港蕭邦社 Logos 室內樂樂團成員之一,該樂團為「香港美樂聚音樂節」和「香港國際鋼琴大賽」指定室樂團。

熱衷教學,誨人不倦。亨特 在歐洲各大院校教授和指導音樂,尤其喜愛與年青的弦樂家合作,曾指導過「世界青年交響樂團」的中提琴手。2001年,為表彰其於專業領域之貢獻,獲倫敦皇家音樂學院頒發「院士」稱號。


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