The Hong Kong International Piano Competition 2016, Joy of Music Festival, Chopin, Music Festical, Piano, Guitar, Hong Kong, Classic Music The Hong Kong International Piano Competition 2016, Joy of Music Festival, Chopin, Music Festical, Piano, Guitar, Hong Kong, Classic Music The Hong Kong International Piano Competition 2016, Joy of Music Festival, Chopin, Music Festical, Piano, Guitar, Hong Kong, Classic Music
The Hong Kong International Piano Competition 2016, Joy of Music Festival, Chopin, Music Festical, Piano, Guitar, Hong Kong, Classic Music The Hong Kong International Piano Competition 2016, Joy of Music Festival, Chopin, Music Festical, Piano, Guitar, Hong Kong, Classic Music
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International Jury MemberPeter Donohoe was born in Manchester in 1953. He studied at Chetham’s School of Music for seven years, graduated in music at Leeds University, and went on to study at the Royal Northern College of Music with Derek Wyndham and then in Paris with Olivier Messiaen and Yvonne Loriod. He is acclaimed as one of the foremost pianists of our time, for his musicianship, stylistic versatility and commanding technique.

Recent and forthcoming engagements include appearances with the Dresden Philharmonic Orchestra, the BBC Concert Orchestra, RTE National Symphony Orchestra, Berlin Konzerthaus Orchestra, the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra and CBSO (under Sir Simon Rattle), a UK tour with the Russian State Philharmonic Orchestra, as well as concerts in South America, Europe, Hong Kong, South Korea, Russia, and the USA. Other engagements include performances of all three MacMillian piano concertos with the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra, a series of concerts for the Ravel and Rachmaninov Festival at Bridgewater Hall alongside Noriko Ogawa, and performances with The Orchestra of the Swan. Donohoe is also in high demand as an adjudicator at piano competitions around the world, including the International Tchaikovsky Piano Competition, Moscow, the Queen Elisabeth Competition, Belgium, and the Hong Kong International Piano Competition.

Recent recordings include two discs of Prokofiev piano sonatas for SOMM Records, the first of which Gramophone described as ‘devastatingly effective’, declaring Donohoe to be ‘in his element’, and a review in Classical Notes identified Donohoe’s ‘remarkably sensitive approach to even the most virtuosic of repertoire’. His second Prokofiev disc was given 5 stars by BBC Music Magazine. Other recordings include Cyril Scott’s Piano Concerto with the BBC Concert Orchestra and Martin Yates (Dutton Vocalion), and Malcolm Arnold’s Fantasy on a Theme of John Field with the Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Martin Yates (also Dutton), for which BBC Music Magazine described him as an ‘excellent soloist’, and Gramophone stated that it ‘compelled from start to finish’.

Donohoe has performed with all the major London orchestras, as well as orchestras from across the world including Royal Concertgebouw, Leipzig Gewandhaus, Munich Philharmonic, Swedish Radio, Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France, Vienna Symphony and Czech Philharmonic Orchestras. He has also played with the Berliner Philharmoniker in Sir Simon Rattle’s opening concerts as Music Director. He made his twenty-second appearance at the BBC Proms in 2012 and has appeared at many other festivals including six consecutive visits to the Edinburgh Festival, La Roque d’Anthéron in France, and at the Ruhr and Schleswig Holstein Festivals in Germany. In the United States, his appearances have included the Los Angeles Philharmonic, Boston, Chicago, Pittsburgh, Cleveland and Detroit Symphony Orchestras. Peter Donohoe also performs numerous recitals internationally and continues working with his long standing duo partner Martin Roscoe, as well as more recent collaborations with artists such as Raphael Wallfisch, Elizabeth Watts and Noriko Ogawa.

Donohoe has worked with many of the world’s greatest conductors including Christoph Eschenbach, Neeme Jarvi, Lorin Maazel, Kurt Masur, Andrew Davis and Yevgeny Svetlanov. More recently he has appeared as soloist with the next generation of excellent conductors such as Gustavo Dudamel, Robin Ticciati and Daniel Harding.

Peter Donohoe is an honorary doctor of music at seven UK universities, and was awarded a CBE for services to classical music in the 2010 New Year’s Honours List.


彼得 • 多諾浩

彼得•多諾浩 1953年生於曼徹斯特。於切塔姆音樂學院學藝長達七年,畢業於里茲大學音樂系,及後前往皇家北方音樂學院師從德瑞克•溫德姆及在巴黎追隨梅湘和伊馮•洛里奧深造。籍深厚的音樂修養、多變風格和高超技巧被譽為廿一世紀最重要鋼琴家之一。

近期及即將合作的樂團包括:德勒斯高愛樂交響樂團、 BBC音樂會樂團、 RTE國家交響樂團、柏林音樂廳樂團、BBC愛樂樂團及與俄羅斯國家愛樂樂團在英國的巡迴演出,他的表演足跡亦遍佈南美、歐洲、香港、南美、俄羅斯和美國。

他亦獲邀參加拉威爾和拉赫曼尼諾夫音樂節, 與BBC蘇格蘭交響樂團在橋水音樂廳演奏三場《麥克米倫鋼琴協奏曲》,及與天鵝管弦樂團合作表演。 獲各鋼琴大賽聘請擔任評委,包括莫斯科「柴可夫斯基國際鋼琴大賽」、比利時「伊莉莎白女皇鋼琴大賽」和「香港國際鋼琴大賽」上擔任評委。 最新錄音包括SOMM發行的《浦羅高菲夫鋼琴奏鳴曲》雙唱片,其中第一張獲留聲機雜誌讚譽 「成效卓著」及 「具備個人風格」,第二張獲BBC音樂雜誌授予5星。古典音雜誌稱讚他的唱片是 「靈敏演繹名家的大作」。

其他錄音包括由Dutton Vocalion唱片公司發行:與馬丁•耶茨指揮的 BBC音樂會樂團合作演奏《 史考特鋼琴協奏曲》;與馬丁•耶茨指揮的皇家蘇格蘭樂團及合作演奏的《阿諾德幻想曲》,此錄音獲BBC音樂雜誌形容他為 「傑出的演奏家」,而留聲機雜誌則讚美 「一氣呵成」。

多諾浩曾與倫敦各大樂團合作演出,亦曾與世界其他各大樂團包括:阿姆斯特丹皇家大會堂管弦樂團、萊比錫布商大廈管弦樂團、慕尼黑愛樂、瑞典電台、法國電台交響愛樂、維也納交響樂團和捷克愛樂合作。他亦作為音樂總監,與西蒙•拉圖爵士合作,於柏林愛樂開幕音樂會上表演。2012年,他第22次獲邀參加 BBC逍遙遊音樂節 。他亦是其他各大音樂節常客,連續六次參加愛丁堡音樂節,曾於法國狂熱之日音樂節、德國魯爾音樂節霍爾斯坦和音樂節中演出。在美國,他合作的樂團包洛杉磯愛樂、波土頓、芝加哥、匹茲堡、克里夫蘭和底特律樂團。 多諾浩亦在全球各地舉辦獨奏音樂會,持續與老拍檔Martin Roscoe 合作,近期合作的藝術家有拉斐爾•沃爾費許、伊麗莎白•瓦茲和小川典子。

曾與世界各大指揮合作,包括有 克里斯托夫•艾森巴赫、尼姆•賈維、洛林•馬澤爾、庫特•馬舒、安德魯•戴維斯和葉夫蓋尼•史維特拉諾夫。作為獨奏表演藝術家,他近期曾和被譽為下世紀最傑出的指揮家古斯塔沃. 杜達美、羅賓•提賽弟和丹尼爾•哈丁合作。 多諾浩獲英國七所大學頒發名譽音樂博士。2010年,為表彰他對古典音樂的貢獻,英政府授予其CEB勳章。


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