The Hong Kong International Piano Competition 2016, Joy of Music Festival, Chopin, Music Festical, Piano, Guitar, Hong Kong, Classic Music The Hong Kong International Piano Competition 2016, Joy of Music Festival, Chopin, Music Festical, Piano, Guitar, Hong Kong, Classic Music The Hong Kong International Piano Competition 2016, Joy of Music Festival, Chopin, Music Festical, Piano, Guitar, Hong Kong, Classic Music
The Hong Kong International Piano Competition 2016, Joy of Music Festival, Chopin, Music Festical, Piano, Guitar, Hong Kong, Classic Music The Hong Kong International Piano Competition 2016, Joy of Music Festival, Chopin, Music Festical, Piano, Guitar, Hong Kong, Classic Music
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Described as “a composer of masterful craft with a genuine clarity and purity of vision”, Dusan Bogdanovic has developed a personal synthesis of contemporary classical, jazz and world music. His work numbers over one hundred published compositions, including a variety of commissions for solo guitar, chamber ensembles, orchestra and multimedia, as well as a multitude of CD recordings. Early in his career, he received the only first prize at the Geneva International Competition in 1975 and gave a highly acclaimed debut recital in Carnegie Hall in 1977.

Dusan’s notable commissions include the mix media ballet Crow on poetry by Ted Hughes in collaboration with the choreographer Gilberte Meunier and sculptor Stephen Freedman premiered at the Los Angeles Theatre Centre; Guitar Concerto Kaleidoscope premiered by William Kanengiser in Montreal; Games for voice and chamber ensemble commissioned by the BluePrint and premiered by David Tanenbaum in San Francisco; Contemplation de mystérieux Chérubins for chamber ensemble and 8 vocalists, premiered at the Spegtra Aachen in Germany, Mediterraneo for cello, guitar and choir, commissioned and premiered by En Cuerdas and Vox Amoris in Switzerland and many others.

Dusan’s theoretical work includes Polyrhythmic and Polymetric Studies and Counterpoint for Guitar published by the Berben Editions, Italy. His latest work Tradition and Synthesis, based on the multiple modernities theory is published by Doberman-Yppan/Production d’OZ from Canada. After having taught at the Belgrade Academy and San Francisco Conservatory, he is presently teaching at the Haute école de musique de Genève in Switzerland.


杜桑•柏格達諾維奇 (結他 )


他最近的委約包括芭蕾舞詩《烏鴉》,由太平洋舞蹈團在洛杉磯劇院中心首演; 與雕塑家斯蒂芬•弗里德曼合作,為16個陶瓷鑼而作的混合媒體作品《往哪裡回去》在夏威夷首演;受藍圖節委約,獻給大衛•塔姆和妮可•派安特的《遊戲》,在三藩市首演;以及為鋼琴家法比奧•盧茲譜寫的作品和為阿爾瓦羅•皮耶里、大衛•斯塔羅賓, 威廉•卡內吉塞、史葛•特南特、愛德華多•艾錫、詹姆斯•史密斯和其他人創作的無數結他獨奏作品。柏格達諾維奇的理論著作包括《複節奏和複節拍研究》和《結他對位》,由意大利貝爾本出版社出版。他的最新著作《傳統與合成》由加拿大奧茲/多伯曼-伊潘出版。

柏格達諾維奇1955年在南斯拉夫出生。他在日內瓦音樂學院隨與P. 威斯默和A. 吉納斯特拉學習作曲和配器法,並隨M.L. 聖馬可斯學習結他。在職業生涯早期,他在日內瓦大賽中獲得唯一的首獎,1977年在卡內基音樂廳舉辦了廣受好評的首演獨奏會。 他曾在貝爾格萊德學院和三藩市音樂學院任教,目前在瑞士日內瓦高等音樂學院任教。



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