The triumphant winner of XV International Tchaikovsky Competition (2015), Dmitry Masleev took the First Prize and the international spotlight with wholehearted support from the audience, the jury and the media. The Neue Musikzeitung reported: “His musicality of metaphysical proportions transformed the hall. There was a feeling that we entered an alternative reality. This sensation continued into the final round with the Tchaikovsky B-minor and Prokofiev Third Piano concertos … The joy and relief on the faces of the jurors said it all: we have found a true winner”.
Since the competition, Mr. Masleev has been on an extensive tour, delighting his audiences in New York, London, Munich, Rotterdam, Stockholm, Beijing, and all over Russia with what the Financial Times described as “virtuoso brilliance”. He was honored to accept Maestro Gergiev’s invitation to play Mozart D-minor and Prokofiev Concerto No.3 with the Mariinsky Orchestra in St. Petersburg during the holiday season. In the coming months, Mr. Masleev will perform at the Klavierfestival Ruhr and will open the Istanbul Festival. He is looking forward to a tour of Germany with the National Philharmonic of Russia and Maestro Spivakov, and to his upcoming performances in Berlin, Paris, London, Rome, Milan, Bologna, Brussels, Beijing, Tokyo, Seoul, Sao Paulo, Moscow and New York.
“A discovery and a brilliant pianist” is how his senior colleague Boris Berezovsky describes Mr. Masleev; “I was sincerely happy for his success, which is absolutely deserved”. In addition to the gold medal, the distinguished jury of the Tchaikovsky Competition awarded him a special prize for his interpretation of a Mozart concerto. According to The Neva Time, “the decisions of the Piano Panel were uncompromising. There could not have been a more accurate and fair choice”. Descrivbing the creative character of Dmitry Masleev, music critics note the impeccable technique, sense of form, brilliance, lyricism, and spontaneity of style.
Born and raised in Ulan-Ude, a Siberian town between Lake Baikal and the Mongolian border, Mr. Masleev was educated at the Moscow Conservatory (class of Professor Mikhail Petukhov) and the International Music Academy at Lake Como. During his student years he won a number of international competitions, which lead to touring invitations in Germany, Italy, France, Romania and Russia.
狄米崔 • 馬斯里夫
2015年柴可夫斯基大賽冠軍,一舉成名,獲樂迷、評委和媒體好評如潮。《新音樂雜誌》稱讚:「他美妙的音樂融入音樂廳每個角落,令我們儼如身處另一時空。直到他在最後回合,完美演奏柴可夫斯基B小調和普羅高菲夫第三鋼琴協奏曲,評審委員們臉上充滿喜悅和寬慰,似在說:我們終於找到「貨真價實的贏家」 !」
1990年「柴可夫斯基鋼琴大賽」冠軍得主貝瑞佐夫斯基讚譽他:「無庸置疑,馬斯里夫是位擁有強烈探索性與極為出色的鋼琴家。馬斯里夫獲獎真是實至名歸。」柴可夫斯基大賽更頒與其特別獎,獎勵他尤為出色的演繹了莫札特的協奏曲。《The Neva Time》稱:「評審委員會一致推舉馬斯里夫便是當之無愧的冠軍,這真是再正確不過的決定了。」樂評人則稱用「無可挑剔的技巧和樂感、天才洋溢,抒情優美和渾然天成」去形容馬斯里夫的創意風格。
